Skill Development & Entrepreneurship
Touching millions of hearts through our skill mission & Contributing in making India as Skills Capital of the World. With Our 200+ Fully equipped training center across the India.
Touching millions of hearts through our skill mission & Contributing in making India as Skills Capital of the World. With Our 200+ Fully equipped training center across the India.
Our goal is to lift millions of women out of poverty and with them, their families and entire communities. By expanding access to vocational education & increasing economic opportunity
Awareness camp for taxi drivers, tourist guides, small tourist operators, and the general public aimed at changing attitudes and perceptions to make tourists feel safe & return with good memories. Awareness camp for taxi drivers, tourist guides, small tourist cialisfrance24.com operators, and the general public aimed at changing attitudes and perceptions to make tourists feel […]
Our objective is the attainment of social health which implies the realisation of http://cialisfrance24.com such objectives as adequate living standards, the assurance of social justice, opportunities for cultural development through individual and group self-expressions, and re-adjustment of human relations leading to social harmony, leadership, and help to create initiative and organisation extensively in the remotest […]